At the time of writing, we’re only about 10 days away from the clocks changing.

And (gulp!) 67 days from Christmas.

The dark nights can be a challenge for many.

The festive period a stress.

It’s been said that all behaviour is an attempt to solve a problem.

That being the case, is it really that surprising if we find ourselves retreating indoors and trying to lift our spirits with comfort eating?

Before we know it Christmas approaches and it feels pointless to focus on health & fitness.

We’ll start fresh in January.

Except… All we’ve done is lump the same old problem on a future version of ourselves.

Why not do the January version of yourself a favour?

Here are some suggestions for a positive end to the year:

  1. Embrace the positives of winter.
  2. Practice foundational behaviours.
  3. Give yourself a project.

Embrace Winter Positives

Yes, we have another amber weather warning in Aberdeen this week.

But… there is also much to enjoy about the winter months.

Crisp mornings, winter coats, warm drinks, cosy lighting, catching up with friends.

Indeed, some of the so-called happiest countries in the world – like Finland and Denmark – have colder, darker winters than we have here in Scotland

I recommend The Little Book of Hygge to help bring some winter feel-good into your world.

Practice Foundational Behaviours

Sure, as the festive season approaches most of us tend to consume more booze and chocolates.

But can we also take care of our sleep?

Can we also make the habit of getting out for some fresh air?

Can we keep moving our bodies and working on eating our vegetables?

The thing is, when it comes to your health & fitness, the foundational behaviours are essential behaviours.

I can guarantee you’ll feel better if you can build a foundation over the next couple of months before the festive season takes hold.

Give yourself a Project

Again, all behaviour is an attempt to solve a problem.

And if you struggle in the winter months, it’s easy to default to the Three S’s in an unconscious attempt to feel better.

What are the Three S’s? Streaming, snacking and scrolling! (Yeah, I’m not immune either!)

Instead, consider giving yourself a project. A sense of mission, something you can sink your teeth into.

After all, any time you don’t fill with high-priority actions will automatically be consumed by low-priority actions (i.e. Those Three S’s!)

  • How would you like to feel come Christmas Day?
  • How would you like the January version of you to feel?
  • What’s something you could work on for the next 60 days?

The way momentum works – particularly in health and fitness – with a mindset shift and a few positive actions, you could be feeling better this time next week.