Collaboration beyond the comfort zone

THE current edition of the Chamber’s Business Bulletin focuses on collaboration.

Within its pages are many strong examples of organisations – some with obvious areas of overlap, others more unusual – working together to share their knowledge and capabilities to achieve an overall better result.

So far, so positive.

In tough times, it is more important than ever that we pool our talents and expertise to sustain and grow our businesses.

An increasing willingness to open our minds – and our organisations – to new relationships can only be of benefit.

At Matrix Risk Control, we would like companies to take an additional – and perhaps slightly uncomfortable – step: to share accrued learning in order that others can benefit from the experience.

As experts in the management of all forms of operational risk, Matrix Risk Control came into being in 2008.

The company was born when the founders – former senior police investigators – identified a common skills gap in the ability of major organisations to perform thorough incident investigation and analysis and thus fail to fully exploit the opportunity to learn from these incidents.

Over the past eight years, a wide variety of companies from around the world have participated in our root cause analysis and incident investigation training.

Perhaps more than ever, there is a heightened understanding that we need to learn from our mistakes and avoid their repetition.

To encourage organisations to improve their individual and collective incident investigation capabilities, Matrix Risk Control has established the Matrix Investigation Support Scheme (MiSS).

The scheme, which is free for all Chamber members to join, encourages the exchange of information via lunch and learn events and our new MiSS learning portal which allows members to interact online.

Those who join also benefit from a free "cold case" investigation gap analysis to kick-start their learning.

MiSS already has sign-ups from major names across a variety of sectors including energy, logistics, retail, manufacturing and various service industries.

The scheme’s relevance is not confined to larger organisations: any business with a duty of care and a desire to improve performance can benefit from membership.

More information on the scheme can be accessed here.

Historically, it may have gone against organisational culture to share experiences and lessons learned during challenging circumstances – or indeed to sign up to free membership schemes.

One positive outcome of these difficult times is the recognition that we need to embrace both.