We all know the extraordinary journey that video platforms and live streaming have been on in the past few years, and this is clearly visible in the evolution of Aberdeen’s Stream Television Studio.

The studio was launched in October 2020, as a collaboration between Roy Stewart of RS Films and Andrew Dunn, of AWD Tech, and the events team at Mearns & Gill. Initially it was launched to allow in-person events to take place on-line despite covid restrictions. The exciting thing about the studio was that it created engaging, exciting online events that were more like watching live television than simply sitting on a video call!

Fast forward three years, and the Stream Television Studio is still very much a hub for live streaming and online events, but it now offers so much more too. It can help you create exciting, valuable, engaging content that will bring your comms plan to life, whoever you need to reach.

Here’s just a few examples to get you thinking…

Launching a rebrand

Imagine the huge amount of time and effort that goes into a company rebrand. The research, the brainstorming, the messaging, the colour choices, the inspiration, and why it’s important to your business and possibly the sector? Have you ever thought about launching your rebrand during a live stream, so that key stakeholders, staff, clients or members understand the story behind the change and join you on your journey?

We recently held a live stream for the launch of a rebrand for a national energy organisation. The studio was branded, as was the online stream, and the client talked over 200 people through the reason for the change, and how it related to the future of the organisation. They controlled the narrative completely, in a way that complimented their PR and digital coverage.

Media Training

One of the most common ways the studio is currently used is media training. We work regularly with local companies and trainers, and we also welcome companies from further afield who need a studio with experts and equipment as soon as they get off the plane at Aberdeen.

Whether you’re looking to put key staff members through general presentation training that includes video interviews and video content for socials, or you want to train your senior team the important skills needed to communicate carefully and compassionately in a crisis, we have the skills, technology and training partners to help.

Finalist Videos for Award Ceremonies

This one is for the event organisers who have managed to stick with this blog – thank you! Have you ever felt the stress of having to organise 40+ individual finalist interviews for an awards ceremony? These videos are key to the success of an event. Not only are they a chance to showcase incredible people and businesses, but if they aren’t done in an engaging and impactful way, you can completely lose your audience on the night.

Filming finalist videos at the Stream Television Studio is a cost-effective way of ensuring your finalists get the attention they deserve, in a way that is easy to control. We recently spent two days filming 36 award finalists in the studio, making full use of the green screen. Our client didn’t have the budget to visit 40 individual sites, so we brought them to the studio across two days. We asked them each to give us a range of high-res images that helped to showcase unique aspects of their application, and using the green screen these images became their backgrounds. Exciting, engaging, meaningful video content, making the best use of time and budget.


Podcasts might have been around for a while, but it’s only recently that companies and organisations are starting to see their worth and dabble their toe in them. If you are looking for a new way of engaging with your employees, or your members, or if you want to share the knowledge and expertise within your organisation in a way that offers genuine value, it might be worth considering a podcast.

Our team can help you plan and promote a podcast, help find a unique offering in a busy and exciting area, and then we’ll help you produce it in the studio. So, whether you want to discuss mental health and wellbeing, or share valuable knowledge and experience in a constantly changing energy sector, we can help you.

Live Streaming on location

In a conversation about our studio, it’s probably worth mentioning that we can also take our skills and technology to you. So, whether you have a ground-breaking conference that you want people around the word to enjoy the benefits of, or a fundraising event that people can login into watch and crucially, donate, we can set the studio up in the location of your choice.

We’ve live-streamed on location to update on property market, for charity quiz nights, for auctions, for town hall meetings, and we’ve even covered a highland games. Not job is too small or big for Roy, Andrew, and our team. In fact, we enjoy the challenge!

So, if you’re looking for some new ways of communicating with your audience in order to make a big impact, you’re welcome here for a tour any time you like! We’ve yet to bring someone in who doesn’t leave as excited as we are, so get in touch on isla.stewart@mearns-gill.com