Deeside Mineral Water’s rebrand made a real splash

A REBRAND of any company logo is always difficult as it takes time, money and a lot of effort to get something that stands out and represents the company effectively.

But at Deeside Mineral Water, we had big plans.

Founded in 1996, this meant that 2016 was our 20th anniversary year.

Leading up to this, we decided to invest in a total overhaul of our entire look – from our logo to the labels on our bottles.

From our signage at our factory to the livery on our vans.

From our headed paper to our staff uniforms.

This is the first rebrand we had undergone since 2008.

We felt that our labels and image had lost its Scottish feel. The old look was very generic.

Yet the location of our springs and how the water filters for 50 years through the granite mountains to emerge at Pannanich Wells, couldn’t be more Scottish.

We wanted to draw more attention to our roots, the purity of our product, our history and heritage.

It all started with wanting to give the brand a more Scottish tone but not anything over the top. Subtle but clear as to where the water came from.

The new logo has a unique design of a thistle on it coupled with the name of the spring and the year it was found to have special health qualities – 1760.

The designer then created a very subtle tartan background to complement the thistle which is designed in silver on the labels.

Deeside Water

From start to finish it took 18 months to achieve our final design but it was worth the wait and we are delighted with the results.

We’ve had fantastic feedback from customers who love the new look in addition to the supermarkets, wholesalers, hotels and restaurants we supply.

It has also brought a fresh enthusiasm to the team at Deeside Mineral Water.

Sales have grown by 14% in the first six months of the year and new export opportunities to several countries are moving forward – everything feels more positive.

We were also lucky enough to get Paul Lawrie to launch the new look for us, which has elevated the brand awareness significantly.

For Deeside Mineral Water, our history, heritage and provenance are an important part of the overall story.

This is one of the purest waters in the world, from the Cairngorms National Park and we have seen how making changes to the branding, and highlighting it better, has made a big difference to how the product is perceived and boosted sales.

People are interested in a real story and we now present Deeside in a way that has much greater appeal and reflects its qualities