The latest data from Vitality in 2020 revealed that the UK economy lost almost £92billion in 2019 (£91.9billion) due to ill-health related absence and presenteeism in the workplace. British businesses lost an average of 38 working days per employee to physical and mental health related absence and presenteeism in 2019 - before the pandemic hit. Almost three-quarters of the £91.9billion (£68billion) productivity loss can be attributed to factors such as poor mental wellbeing and unhealthy lifestyle choices, which businesses can address through effective deployment of health and wellbeing programmes.

We know that with a fitter and healthier workforce, sickness absence will be less and productivity will be higher. Gallup estimates full-time workers in the UK who are overweight or obese and have other chronic health conditions miss an estimated 103 million additional days of work each year compared with healthy workers.

So how does your company measure up? For every 50 employees, it’s estimated that:

  • 3 are diagnosed with Diabetes
  • 5 are heavy drinkers (one definition more than 5 drinks in one session)
  • 8 take prescription drugs
  • 12 are smokers
  • 12 suffer from some form of heart disease
  • 17 are overweight by more than 20%
  • 25 experience moderate to severe stress
  • 30 sit all day to do their work

We can help you change that! We have been delivering extraordinary health for our clients since 2000 and built our reputation as specialists in workplace wellness. We love what we do.

Click here for more information.