We’ve gone a bit corporate, in a good way of course.

In an exciting move for our L3 leadership development programme, we’re now offering the Life Long Learning programme to larger clients as an in-house programme.

In addition to our public programme, the L3 programme is now an excellent option for larger and corporate clients to run as an in-house management development programme.

This is the perfect solution for employers with a number of line managers who would benefit from development, looking for a consistent approach to promote learning across their leadership teams.

By going through the L3 programme together, line manager learning outcomes are amplified for the business when learners return to the business and transition their newly developed knowledge and skills in-house.

Benefits for any business running an in-house leadership development programme are:

  • Motivated people managers leading to engaged employees = win/win
  • Great opportunity to invest in line managers and make them feel valued
  • Access to an affordable learning and development programme, designed and presented by respected high performance leadership development professionals
  • Collaboration on solutions to real business challenges during the programme
  • Future proofing the business with developed people managers for sustainable growth

The benefits of this programme are long lasting, lifelong in fact. On completing the L3 journey, learners will be enabled to:

  • Identify their purpose and desired brand as a leader, setting development goals that are meaningful and achievable
  • Develop trusting relationships, influencing others more effectively
  • Communicate with impact, developing and motivating others
  • Build a high performing team, creating a positive team culture
  • Appreciate how to lead in a sustainable way, balancing short term and long term needs
  • Develop lifelong networking skills and business contacts

Learners will be more capable as leaders and will have developed an awareness of the importance of strong, positive line management in business along the way.