Let’s stick together in 2017

I'VE been inspired by the Buy North East campaign and the reaction from business leaders, politicians and the 400-plus firms that have pledged their support.

We’re blessed in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to have an array of outstanding local businesses, each of which deliver amazing products and services.

Butchers, fishmongers, fruit and veg wholesalers – just some of the suppliers I deal with on a daily basis all provide quality local produce.

More than that, marketers, recruiters, entrepreneurs, lawyers, IT experts – the list is endless – all add to the expertise and high level of customer service available across our region.

So why look elsewhere?

I don’t mean to say there isn’t a place for big chains or brands – they contribute to our economy too – but we must continue to champion local businesses as this really is the lifeblood of any town or city.

Buy North East has brought a real focus on shopping local, and with recent events such as the Aberdeen Comedy Festival, there has definitely been a more upbeat vibe in the city centre – hopefully boosting the trade of local pubs and eateries.

Of course, local firms, be they clothes shops, restaurants, hair salons, you name it, must earn the support of the people by consistently offering high quality products and services - just as we aim to do at 8848.

Nonetheless, local businesses do depend on our support.

Without it, we may see more well-known business close their doors as has been the case recently.

So let’s stick together, and make sure that the North-east has a happy and positive 2017.