My Northern Star experience

Last year, Andrew Ferguson won the Rising Star award at the Northern Star Business Awards. He is a director at the Eden Scott Aberdeen office, having originally joined the company as a senior consultant back in 2009. Here, he looks back on the experience

Winning the Rising Star award last year was a huge achievement for me.

We’ve worked very hard to set up and grow the Eden Scott Aberdeen business over the past five years, so winning the title was hugely gratifying and also a great boost for the team.

During the past 12 months, I have worked on a wide range of exclusive senior level projects in the Aberdeen area.

These have all been hugely satisfying to research and to ultimately deliver on.

From a team perspective, we’ve been able to significantly grow our client base and this has primarily been done through word of mouth and referrals which were boosted by the overwhelming press attention the awards brought.

Since winning, the award has strengthened my profile in the local area which and several clients have been in touch to work with us.

The press coverage was fantastic and seemed to last for a number of months after the actual ceremony.

To be recognised among my peers was very satisfying it was humbling to be recognised and rewarded for my efforts throughout my career.

This year, the Rising Star award looks very hotly contested with four very strong finalists, so the judges have a very difficult choice to make.

My advice to the finalists is to take some deep breaths, relax and enjoy the night.

It’s a fantastic evening and time flies by, so make sure to use the opportunity to meet people and have a great time!