Strategic Resources celebrates 30 years in business

OUR company recently celebrated its 30th anniversary and to help mark the occasion we decided to give something back to three local charities: Archway, Children 1st and JDRF.

Throughout November and December, the team at Strategic Resources have been busy raising vital funds for these very worthy causes which all have a special place in our hearts.

We set an ambitious target of £5,000, with proceeds to be split evenly between each charity, and I am delighted to say that we are more than 90% of the way there as we enter the home stretch.

We would be extremely grateful for any further support to help us reach our goal between now and the end of the year. Please donate whatever you can spare by visiting our BT MyDonate page:

As part of the wider anniversary celebrations, we also launched a special campaign that aims to inspire the next generation of north-east youngsters.

Thanks to pupils and staff at the city’s Gilcomstoun Primary School, we have organised an art contest where over 100 primary 4-7 pupils have been tasked with drawing something that represents their chosen career or profession.

There will be a special prizegiving ceremony in February where the winners will be announced, with representatives from each of the three charities mentioned above judging the artwork.

To have reached 30 years – and still to be in a strong position today – is an incredible achievement. I would like to pay tribute to all our staff, several of whom have been with us for many years, as well as clients and contractors who have contributed to our success.

It feels like only yesterday that I first joined the company as an admin/accounts assistant back in May 1988. It’s truly frightening to think that I’ve been working here longer than some of the staff have been alive.

How things have changed in recruitment since 1988. Rolodex cards and manual filing used to be the order of the day for client details and candidate CVs, before typing them up and hand-delivering the best ones to clients.

Contacting candidates was done by phone or letter (if you were lucky you might get a response 3-4 days later). If I did phone a candidate and there was no response, a favourite trick of mine was to order the cheapest pot plant and have it delivered to their door with a message to contact me. It worked a treat.

Like many others, we have experienced our fair share of highs and lows over the past three decades. More recently, we have adapted to broaden our range of services from general recruitment and contractor management services to executive search and outsourced payroll.

We have also adapted our business model to become less reliant on our oil and gas customer base and expanded into non-oil related businesses in regions such as the north of England.

Our success over the past 30 years makes me very proud and I can’t wait to see what the next few years has to offer.