SureVoIP upgrades ready for 2020

SureVoIP upgrades ready for 2020

Let's run through our latest changes and see how they benefit our customer base and the VoIP sector generally.

Those who have been with us for a long time will remember the noise we made about our new servers going into use in March 2014.

This gave us much more functionality than we had previously, with the capability to handle more calls. It also opened the doors for us to create more useful partnerships, as we developed the capability to interconnect/ peer with current ISP partners and industry wholesale Providers.

No matter how long you prepare, some things still leave you a bit surprised.

The driver behind this is expansion in our customer base. Our customer base has expanded and this, with recent wins (to be announced) has paved the way for a major network upgrade in London.

We must keep pace with the demands our customers place on us. We had reached a place in our journey where an equipment upgrade was a necessity. We simply would not have been able to give our customers the same level of service quality we have come to be known for otherwise.

The new equipment allows for a much higher rate of data processing - in fact, it can process the equivalent of an amazing 160,000 HD films at the same time!

The upgraded equipment can process data at 800 Gbps, compared to the 40 Gbps processing allowed by our previous set up (increasing processing power by a factor of 20, future-proofing our network's capabilities for the foreseeable future).

We can handle more calls, and deliver more services to customers. As data requirements increase, so we have to pass through more and more data packets for our customers. We need to facilitate this, or face delivering a lower standard of service than our customer's have come to expect.

Our team has also increased, with the addition of two new members this year. We were pleased to welcome Kenny Arnold as Technical Administrator, and Lisa McBain as Sales & Billing Administrator. Another new post (Software Developer) is a new position within the company, being explored as a possibility for 2020.

Also on our road-map is the release of our two apps - Notify and Talk. These are important, both in terms of our customer service, and in terms of developing our service. SureVoIP Notify and SureVoIP Talk are both valuable additions to our portfolio and are intended to improve our service, and our interaction with customers.

Another addition to our service which is almost ready to be released to all our customers is our new PCI compliant SIP trunking. Any business which takes credit card payments should be aware of their PCI (Payment Card Industry) obligations. Our new SIP trunks means our customers are fully compliant with legislation regarding taking card payments during a phone call.

Another exciting development scheduled for 2020 is major enhancements to our Partner Portal, which was released this year. Now our Partners will benefit from the same easy to use, informative Portal as our Direct Customers.

The last few points to raise are our real time billing engine, real time API, and Call Centre functionality. These are expected to move us even further forward in 2020, making us unique within UK ITSPs, with a level of service delivery and technical innovation that is unsurpassed.

Fancy a chat to find out more? Just get in touch

Paul Forrest

Paul Forrest