Time and a place(ment)

AS A student placement officer at Aberdeen Business School for almost nine years, you would be justified in thinking that I may be a bit biased towards our placement programme and the calibre of our students.

So why should you consider taking part?

With placements ranging from four weeks unpaid to year long paid, our programme has something to offer most employers and timings start from end January onwards.

There are a variety of reasons employers choose to host an ABS placement student (or students).

Often, it is for a year-long student to cover a short term recruitment gap such as maternity leave.

Proving very popular the last couple of years are short term placements to assist with social media or marketing projects.

In business, time is money, and your time is precious.

Maybe you could utilise a student to undertake that project you just don’t have the time to complete?

You choose how you want to use placements, according to the needs of your business.

Placement is also an excellent way to feed into a graduate pipeline and many of our placement hosts treat it as an extended interview.

Semester 1 teaching starts next week and we are really looking forward to working with our 2017 cohorts of students and placement hosts.

Interested and want to find out more?

Email absplacements@rgu.ac.uk and myself or a colleague will be very happy to give you a call.