It’s estimated that 1 in 5 people are neurodivergent, with a range of learning and behavioural differences, such as ADHD and autism.

We live in such a diverse society yet so many companies still recruit based on neurotypical – or so-called “normal” – standards.

But there’s now a shift in thinking to the importance of “culture add” rather than “culture fit” because employers want to harness and maximise the talents of people who think differently and who can bring their diverse abilities, backgrounds and perspectives to work.

We’re proud to be supporting the return of the ADHD Foundation’s Umbrella Project this summer, when TMM Recruitment will be among the companies celebrating neurodiversity by displaying colourful strings of umbrellas at their premises.

From May until September, the brollies will highlight the ‘umbrella’ term of neurodiversity, which includes ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia.

The project includes supporting events for businesses, teachers and parents, with a one-day conference on the benefits of employing a neurodiverse workforce to drive business growth and encourage team members to reach their own potential.

TMM Recruitment is co-sponsor of Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Unlocking Potential and Driving Business Success, on Tuesday, May 30.

Amanda McCulloch, TMM Recruitment’s chief executive, will be reflecting on the hiring process and discussing inclusive recruiting practices with a panel of local and national experts.

She said: “Diversity and inclusion is so important to us as a company and we work hard to find the right people for job roles, so we are pleased to be supporting the ADHD Foundation Umbrella Project for a second year.

“We have learned a lot about neurodiversity by listening to real-life experiences and looking at recruitment from the perspective of candidates who are not neurotypical. The panel session on May 30 will allow us to explore how recruitment processes so often exclude neurodivergent people, and how we can make constructive improvements that will really help to embed diversity and inclusion in our workplaces.”

Other speakers and contributors include Dr Tony Lloyd, chief executive of the ADHD Foundation; Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired, which is organising the event; and Charlotte Valeur, chair of the Institute of Neurodiversity, who will share her story of being diagnosed with autism later in life.

The Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Unlocking Potential and Driving Business Success conference will be held at the Aberdeen Douglas Hotel from 8.30am to 2.30pm on Tuesday, May 30, adjacent to the main umbrella installation on Shiprow.

If you’re interested in finding out more, places can be booked now at a cost of £95. Aberdeen Inspired levy payers can attend free of charge, subject to availability. To book, visit