Top tips: Increasing your return on investment of training

OUR evaluation database measures us at 100% of delegates would recommend our training courses.

We get many comments about how much delegates enjoyed the training, but what happens when they get back to work?

Many delegates arrive at the training centre not knowing which course they are on or whey they are on it which makes their job harder to evaluate the benefit of the training they are receiving.

I suspect (please tell me I am wrong) many of those delegates don’t have their line manager ask questions about the course and how they benefitted, what they learned or what are they going to do differently.

To make your training investment last and go even further how about sitting down with them and asking what they learned and what are they are going to change. It would be even better to go through the course notes with them, it will re-kindle the knowledge.

Yes, it takes time but after spending the money for a developmental reason it makes sense to spend a little more time to help the “stickability” of the knowledge. This will help you move training towards true development of people.

Top tip for delegates, get your course notes out and have another read, it will help keep the knowledge alive for longer.

Top tip for managers, have an informal discussion with the delegate about the course and ask to see the materials, this will help keep the knowledge retained for longer as well as making the delegate feel valued.

All delegates on one of our courses receive their certificate of attendance, course materials, pen and note pad.