Any good marketing manager knows that creativity needs to be a core part of their skill set, in order to keep delivering the best work for companies and clients. But off-days and a lack of ideas are only natural every now and again - so what can you do when your creative juices run dry?

We asked Marketing Managers in Aberdeen to share a piece of advice on how you can inject more creativity into your work…

“Follow brands who inspire you. I always feel more creative when I’ve seen a great idea in practice and can think about how I can apply something similar to the situation I’m working in. I always try to look outside the sector I’m working for inspiration too.”

- Cheryl Smith, Group Marketing Manager at Duncan & Todd Group

“At the risk of sounding like vanilla ice - stop, collaborate and listen! Bouncing ideas off others is always better than one head. Look outward into the market, at your customers, at what's being talked about and currently on trend, then try and apply it to your business. Don't be afraid to do something different.”

- Lynsey Shepherd, Marketing Manager at P&J Live

“Look outside your industry and comfort zones. Without meaning to, we can build an echo chamber of our own voices and subconscious bias, and over time this will diminish our creativity and quality of work. Read different books or blogs, listen to podcasts from other industries and take notes on tales of inspiration and innovation.

“Block off time in your diary for creative space and practice flexing your creative muscles without a deadline or task to deliver to. Find the common threads in that creative space which help you deliver and work to implement that into your task deadlines and processes.”

- Suzanne Bird, Marketing and Social Media Strategist at Bird & Emmy

"When you’re being creative with marketing, make sure you take the time to allow for a bit of headspace and concentration - nothing limits this process more than the distractions of the 'day job'. Use inspiration from other brands in related or unrelated industries, as there’s nothing wrong with adapting something that has worked elsewhere to suit your brand's audience - not every idea needs to be a new one."

- Jason Stewart, Head of Marketing at Donald Russell Ltd

“I’d recommend collaborating with different departments and involving younger members of the team. Don’t be afraid to reach out to teams across the business - it helps spark new ways of thinking, generates fresh ideas, and it’s always good to bounce ideas off each other. I believe mixing talent and expertise in this way brings the best ideas to life.”

- Michelle Dargie, Account Manager at Mission10

“My top tip would probably be to look outside your sector for inspiration and creative ideas. I am constantly looking at other organisations outside higher education, so I can find learnings and ideas to bring into the university marketing strategy or creative direction.”

-Sarah Gilmour, Senior Marketing Manager at Robert Gordon University

“I guess my one piece of advice would be to shut off your phone (or at least put it on ‘do not disturb’). While social media can be a good source of inspiration, I find it difficult to filter out other people's ideas from my own. But if I spend a bit of time thinking about a problem with a blank piece of paper, I find it easier to think of a creative solution that is different to what everyone else is already doing.”

- Michael Madden, Property Marketing Manager at Aberdein Considine

Want to learn more about being creative? Check out our previous blogs for more handy tips…

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