Volunteering with River Dee Trust#2

I recently took the decision that the River Dee Trust should join the Chamber, and so far, I am very pleased with my choice. I have had the opportunity to attend a business breakfast and was enthused by the people I met. It may seem strange for an organisation in my sector to join a mainstream business organisation, but I believe we have a great deal in common. What’s more, through corporate volunteering, I think we can help each other achieve our aims.

The River Dee’s salmon fishery is worth around £15m each year to Aberdeenshire’s economy. It employs a great variety of people in roles directly related to the river such as the ghillies and River Office staff and others who provide accommodation and other services to visiting anglers. So, from that point of view the work of my team at the Trust and the other staff I manage on behalf of the Dee Salmon Fishery Board is aimed at supporting an important part of the tourism sector.

The Trust was created as a charity in 1998 to help protect and enhance fish stocks in the River Dee. Our work on the Dee catchment is guided by the philosophy that the better we can understand and improve the River, the better our chances of securing its future for this and future generations. We work in co-operation with those that have the improvement of the River at heart. Our objectives are, firstly, to improve our understanding of the river so that practical improvements and restoration of the river and the wildlife it supports can be achieved. Secondly, to deliver educational information to schools, organisations and individuals living in the North-east of Scotland.

Volunteering with the Trust is a mutually beneficial arrangement. An active corporate volunteering programme helps us in two key respects.

We get to work with engaged and enthusiastic groups who will do meaningful work to help us deliver our objectives for the catchment. We also value opportunities to showcase our work and to connect with a new audience, introducing them to river life and the stunning natural environment.

So, what does volunteering involve? We have lots of different activities for corporate and individual volunteers; these range from managing invasive species such as Himalayan balsam, participating in habitat work such as tree planting or bank reinforcement, to supporting angling events for beginners. We provide all the equipment and a safe working environment. We work in some of Scotland’s most scenic locations and enjoy nothing more than to share that with groups of volunteers. We have enjoyed working Aberdeen Standard Investments and CNOOC recently and hope to see them back again next year.

hope to see them back again next year.

Come and join us.

If you are interested in joining us for a day, ether as a company or and individual, simply send me an email to lorraine@riverdee.org, or call me on 013398 80411.