Why support local?

At Aircon Scotland we have always believed in supporting local.

From hiring locally to buying locally, we actively invest back into the Aberdeen market.

The oil and gas downturn has affected the whole of Aberdeen, what once started as redundancy threats to our friends and family members has now spread to all industries.

In the past few months we have seen a number of independent companies close in reaction to the continued cutting of costs throughout the city.

At Aircon we operate as a "family" business and pride ourselves in taking this local flexible approach. We believe that by supporting local businesses, the Aberdeen market can improve and therefore create more opportunities within the city.

The current climate has been discouraging to business owners, but by supporting each other through collaborations with likeminded individuals and connecting people by building a local network, it’s a real motivational boost for Aberdeen.

Local versus national companies

I’m not going to pretend the temptation isn’t there.

More often than not I know that going out of Aberdeen I will be able to get my brochures printed or my signs made for a lower advertised price but is it all a false economy?

Not only do you not know the quality of a product when buying online, you don’t get the same flexibility when you purchase a mass produced item (which is why it’s cheaper in the first place).

I like that if I have a problem or need something changed I can pick up the phone or drop into my supplier to discuss my purchase.

Buying local doesn’t stop with your business activities, it’s worth visiting local restaurants, cafes and bars during your personal time.

Aberdeen has some very talented and niche places to eat and socialise, often which are neglected due to large corporate chains.

So why do we go to these corporate chains?

Firstly – multi-buy discounts are a big incentive.

Why pay full price for a delicious meal at the likes of Rustico’s and So Food? Or go for a nice quiet drink in No10 or Soul Bar? When you can go to national chains in Union Square and get 2 courses for under £15?

In reality, the service you get from chain businesses is nowhere near as personal as the service you may receive from local businesses. Most of the time it’s just because they’re well known, and you already have a perception of the brand based off of nationwide reviews – minimising the purchase risk.

So why go local?

Quality, attention to detail, personality. Local businesses no matter what the sector, whether for business or personal use have a much stronger element of trust. Employees of corporate chain businesses don’t have that same drive as a local start up.

Local businesses are built off of hard work and ambition to succeed.

For example, Aircon Scotland have retained 100% of service and maintenance contracts from our clients due to our determination to provide the best service possible for our local clients.

When you use a local business, they take into account your thoughts about their service, and are constantly looking to adapt to improve their services or products.

They want to hear about positive experiences to personally thank their customers, and wish to hear of any negative comments so they can improve.

With a chain, it’s highly unlikely your comments will even reach the employee you wish to contact.

Buy North East is a local initiative to help local businesses thrive in the North East, their agenda is to encourage Aberdeen businesses to use at least one local supplier.

We’re extremely proud to be backing the Buy North East campaign! It’s a fantastic idea to help boost Aberdeen’s economy. Find out more information and support your local economy at http://www.buynortheast.co.uk/.