You are not alone

If there is one thing for certain in business at present it is that everyone is going through uncharted waters together. Unknown, unprecedented and unfathomable even a month ago yet we meet this challenge with the same steely resolve that we have met any up to this point.

The North-east would have been on the cusp of, dare I say it, a slight economic upturn with record investment and a stable trading environment with even talk of a tourist season around our summer festivals. And bang, there we have it with more uncertainty than you can shake a stick at.

Siberia Bar and Hotel has risen every wave of the local Aberdeen economy in one guise or another for more than 20 years. Our operating company has been on the same site on Belmont Street since it was Radars.

Our little corner of the world has been rocked just as every sector of industry and every part of your daily life has too. In the midst of all this we have found ourselves with the greatest benefit of all: time.

Time to spend with loved ones, time to stay safe, stay home and protect the NHS.

Time to take stock.

Time to regroup, reassess & relaunch. The strength we find in our darkest times will define the light that shines bright at the end of the tunnel. Time to plan, time to connect, converse, diversify, train and push to get through all the things you never had time to do.

Our business goes into this period losing an extremely valuable member of our team, Chloe Watt, our sales manager who is progressing on to working with Bacardi. Her expertise will be sorely missed and her brand vision will be what we stick to going forward.

We've found losing our business voice in a time like this slightly scary but we will adapt. We owe her a huge thank you and wish her all the luck in the world with her new role.

Time to learn more about social media.

Time to look after all of our staff, our assets and put our core values to the test.

We are all in this together, we all have knowledge that might help someone else. Now more than ever our business community must support itself.

What will you use this time for? What positives can you take from this?


Linkedin: Stuart McPhee