7-year old Mac takes on marathon walk in support of VSA

VSA is thrilled to announce that 7-year-old Mac Johnson of Cove is planning to walk a marathon with his beloved dog Marley throughout May to fundraise for VSA’s Easter Anguston Farm.

This challenge will be a huge achievement for both Mac and Marley, as Mac lives with autism and other support needs while Marley has suffered from hip and joint pain since a puppy.

The charity, which runs Easter Anguston Farm, started an appeal to help save the farm as it has seen a huge decline in donations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mac noticed this appeal in the paper and decided he wanted to take on this challenge to help raise money for a place that he loves.

Mac’s mum, Jodie Johnson, said: “Easter Anguston Farm is a wonderful place to visit and Mac has always said he wants to work there when he grows up. Mac was walking a Marathon in May as suggested by his PE teacher at Loirston school. When we read the farm was experiencing financial difficulty it made sense to fundraise for VSA while walking the marathon. Walking long distances can be challenging for Mac due to his conditions and Marley has suffered with joint pain since he was a puppy so completing this will also be a great personal achievement for them both."

Kenneth Simpson, chief executive of VSA, said: “We were so humbled when we learned of Mac and Marley’s challenge to walk a marathon in support of Easter Anguston Farm. This is such an inspiring thing for Mac to take on especially as he is only 7 and lives with autism. I wish them the best of luck in their challenge and cannot wait to see how they get on. Thank you so much Mac and Marley; when life is back to normal, I would be delighted to meet you both and thank you for what you are doing.”

Easter Anguston is an operational farm which also serves as a training facility for adults with learning difficulties.

You can donate via to mac and marley’s challenge here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/macs-marathon

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