An Aberdeen City Council cook has been recognised as one of the best in Scotland.

Earlier this month Lynn Ellington represented Aberdeen City Council at the Scottish School Cook of The Year national finals staged at the prestigious ‘Cook School Scotland’ in Crosshouse, near Kilmarnock.

Lynne, who is the Cook in Charge at Northfield Academy, created two dishes during the competition including four taco baskets filled with chilli on a bed of fresh salad & guacamole and Cranachan cupcakes.

The panel of judges, which included Gary McLean from Master Chef, were looking for tasty nutritional meals that could be made for a total of £1.60 per meal.

The competition aims to raise the profile of the school meals sector in Scotland and to highlight the skills of those who are working hard on the front line of service delivery on a daily basis.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure convener Councillor Yvonne Allan said: “I would like to congratulate Lynn and the rest of the catering team on their hard work and for once again making it to the final stages of this competition.

“This is another example of the enthusiasm our catering staff has toward providing delicious, healthy meals within our schools.

“I wish the team the very best of luck next week and hope they bring first place back to Aberdeen.”

Aberdeen City Council previously took part in the Scottish School Cook of the Year competition in 2015 and came third. A Gala Dinner takes place on August 24 where Lynn will find out if she has won first, second or third place in the competition.

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