A total of 1,426 new heating systems and 3,200 hard-wired smoke detectors were installed in council homes in Aberdeen in 2018/19.
During the year, £38.5 million was spent on scheduled maintenance across the Council’s 21,974 properties.
The Aberdeen City Council Housing Performance Report 2018/19 – which has been published online – showed more than 60,000 repairs were carried out, with 95.7% of tenants satisfied with the quality of the work against a Scottish Council average of 86.7%.
Overall, 83% of tenants were satisfied with the service they received, with a Scottish Council average of 85.7%.
The average weekly rent was £78.69, with three out of four tenants rating that good value.
The report is published in support of the Scottish Social Housing Charter, which aims to ensure that tenants are well informed about their landlord’s performance.
Aberdeen City Council – which has 6,240 people on its council house waiting list – recently launched a programme to provide an additional 2,000 local authority homes.
The Aberdeen City Council Housing Performance Report 2018/19 can be found here: