NORCO Group, a local business and independent specialist in stored electrical energy, has taken over the operation of Aberdeen City Hydrogen Energy Storage (ACHES). NORCO is managing the facility on behalf of Aberdeen City Council.

ACHES, which supplies hydrogen to an expanding fleet of 14 cars and four vans, was built by Belgian company Hydrogenics and completed in November 2016. It began operation in February 2017 and after six-months of being run by Hydrogenics, it has now been passed to NORCO Group on a one-year contract. The agreement began on October 6, 2017.

ACHES is the city’s second hydrogen refuelling station as well as Kittybrewster which serves 10 buses. The development of infrastructure and vehicle deployments are guided by the Aberdeen Region Hydrogen Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2025 which aims to develop a hydrogen economy in the region.

Hydrogenics trained five Norco staff on the operation and maintenance the facility.Councillor Yvonne Allan, Aberdeen City Council’s Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Convener, said: “I am pleased that a local company has been awarded the operation of the Aberdeen City Hydrogen Energy Storage helping to develop the Aberdeen hydrogen supply chain and retain these specialist skills and knowledge in the local area.”

A spokesperson from NORCO said “This contract award recognises our commitment to be at the forefront of technological advancements in energy innovation and we look forward to working closely with ACC managing the operation of ACHES and being part of developing the region’s energy infrastructure.”

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