The lord provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett is leading the charge to promote Aberdeen as a global city at the OTC (Offshore Technology Conference) Houston 2018 and at the WECP (World Energy Cities Partnership) Working Group Board of Directors meetings this week.
The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Celebrating 50 years since 1969, OTC’s annual flagship conference is held in Houston.
Since his arrival in Houston, on Saturday 28 April, the lord provost has met with key individuals and organisations as he continues to highlight Aberdeen as a centre of excellence, which is ideally placed for inward investment.
On Saturday, the lord provost attended the Grampian-Houston breakfast meeting to celebrate 50 years of OTC. On Sunday evening, the lord provost was a guest at a special dinner hosted by Mayor Mike Savage, President of WECP and Mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The lord provost, who is also the vice president of the WECP, has attended various WECP meetings.
Established in 1995, the WECP is a non-profit organisation based in Houston, Texas, whose member cities are globally recognised as international energy capitals. Member cities actively seek and develop opportunities to learn, exchange, and engage in activities which strengthen multilateral ties.
The lord provost took part in a panel discussion ‘Cities and Innovation – how do local governments foster innovation? at Rice University, Houston. Rice is a comprehensive research university that fosters diversity and an intellectual environment that produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow’s thinking.
On Tuesday May 1, the lord provost toured OTC and visited the Invest Aberdeen stand. Later in the day the lord provost attended another WECP Board of Directors meeting followed by a WECP networking reception.
Today Wednesday May 2, the final day of OTC, the lord provost will meet with Sylvester Turner, mayor of Houston, to talk about how the two cities can continue to work together for the benefit of both.
Tonight, the lord provost will attend the Greater Houston Partnership OTC reception at which the lord provost will give an Aberdeen perspective to attendees.
The lord provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett said: “It is essential that we seize every opportunity to promote Aberdeen as a global centre of excellence, here and abroad. Meeting fellow members of the World Energy Cities Partnership and the annual Offshore Technology Conference are the ideal events to realise those objectives.
“The Grampian Houston event was an outstanding success with 150 delegates in attendance.
“By meeting with key organisation and individuals we can reinforce Aberdeen’s reputation as a city of excellence and highlight the cultural, education and business opportunities for local companies interested in overseas opportunities and inward investment.”