Aberdeen Performing Arts tells the North-east We’re Here For You

Aberdeen Performing Arts has today announced a series of stay-at-home projects and initiatives to keep the North-east connected and engaged in arts and culture during the government COVID-19 restrictions.

The We’re Here For You campaign spans a range of activities for all ages, from re-creating favourite album covers, to online piano recitals, all with the aim of encouraging contact and creativity in the North-east while under lockdown.

Aberdeen Performing Arts Chief Executive, Jane Spiers, said: “There’s never been a time when we need to be more connected and here for each other. Here for You is about celebrating the amazing creativity we all have within us and across the North East. We’ve been so impressed with the entries we’ve had for our Build Your Own HMT project, and we can’t wait to see what our When Life Gives You Lemons project brings, re-creating your own album cover! Our Here for You activities are also a small thing we can do to say thank you to our audiences who have been so supportive and raised £50,000 to date to keep our charity alive when we rely so heavily on ticket sales.”

The first project, Keep The Lights On At HMT resulted in a flood of home built model versions of His Majesty’s Theatre and has encouraged Aberdeen Performing Arts to come up with more ideas.

Armchair Audiences, gives audiences a chance to sit back, relax and join a weekly online discussion every Tuesday at 6pm. The first event in the Armchair Audiences series is The National Theatre and Bristol Old Vic production of Jane Eyre as part of National Theatre at Home.

Here For You Telephone Club is the offer of a phone chat about your favourite shows, concerts, poems, books that inspire memories or take you back to special times. To join the telephone club email hereforyou@aberdeenperformingarts.com or dial 01224 641122 to register and receive a phone call back.

The Music Hall Stepping In space has been transformed, in partnership with local creative agency, Design and Code, into a virtual space at www.steppingin.space enabling viewers to walk around the Music Hall entrance space and explore a back catalogue of digital commissions and archive material from the comfort of their home. This can be viewed at.

Cyber Sonatas celebrates 250 years since the birth of Beethoven and musicians of all abilities are being invited to film themselves performing one of his 32 piano sonatas to create an online collection of recitals.

When Life Gives You Lemons celebrates the great music and legends the Lemon Tree has staged over the decades by asking people to re-create their favourite album covers. Those submitting an entry are urged to be as mischievous and inventive as possible. Entries can be sent to creativelearning@aberdeenperformingarts.com and the results will be shared on social media.

Director of Programming and Creative Projects, Ben Torrie said: “All activities are open to everyone. We miss seeing our audiences every day at our venues and work on our stages. This is a way of keeping people involved and the arts in our lives. We can’t wait to see and hear from you.”

For further details visit aberdeenperformingarts.com/here-for-you to learn how to join in.

In March 2020, Aberdeen Performing Arts, put out the lights in its three iconic venues, His Majesty’s Theatre, the Music Hall and the Lemon Tree, amid the COVID-19 outbreak. As an arts charity, most income is self-generated from ticket sales which has ceased during closure, and the generous support from audiences in the North East has been greatly appreciated.

There are various ways in which the public can support in this challenging time, through the Aberdeen Performing Arts website, Text to Donate service, or by calling the Box Office on 01224 641122 to make a donation and ensure our venues remain at the heart of city centre life and thrive for the future.

All venues will remain closed until further notice and to date we have cancelled all shows to the end of June. Further updates on performances and opening times can be found on the Aberdeen Performing Arts website and social media channels.

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