APSN launches Duocert

The only UK provider of integrated helideck safety net services who’s certification has the recognition and approval of the Helicopter Certification Agency, Allied Perimeter Safety Netting Ltd (APSN) has launched DUOCERT, a fully integrated service programme for the inspection, testing and certification of offshore platform, rig and vessel helideck landing and perimeter safety nets.

Managing director Danny Lonie said: “As the UKCS offshore oil and gas industry supply chain adjusts to the new ‘every pound’s a prisoner’ environment, the question needs to be asked: what price do we put on safety?

“All too often we find that many duty holders, while diligent in contracting an HCA approved vendor for the compulsory annual testing of helideck perimeter safety net salvage sections to keep them compliant with the requirements of CAP437, OGUK and CAA/ICAO regulations, do not show the same responsibility when it comes to contracting for an annual inspection of the remaining safety nets on the helideck.

“This is a false economy as damage, deterioration and insecure attachments are often found in these sections.”

The DUOCERT programme covers all CAP437 compliance aspects for helideck perimeter safety and landing net inspection and testing and the launch has given APSN the opportunity to expand its global footprint outside the UKCS and work with some of the world`s leading oil and gas majors, vessel, rig owners &and duty holders in America, Africa and Russia.

“They see this cost effective, cost efficient service keeping their personnel safe while ensuring compliance and continuity of certification across all their offshore assets.”

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