This year’s event is currently underway with a focus on energy transition, offshore wind, CCUS and decommissioning. Sound familiar? These are all areas where companies in the North-east of Scotland are global leaders.

Our new First Minister has repeated his predecessor’s wish to see this region embedded as a global renewable superpower however, that’s a status that needs to be earned, not just assumed.

From a standing start in the 1970s Aberdeen built a global reputation as a leader in the oil & gas sector. Entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, problem solving, exporting technologies and project management skills. Being at the heart of the drive to develop and deliver green energy solutions is, perhaps, a bigger and longer term economic opportunity for the Aberdeen city region than when oil was first discovered in the North Sea. The collective expertise, innovation and skills built up in the area over the last 50+ years across operators, supply chain, universities, agencies and other partners means we are well placed to once again be at the vanguard of innovation and change.

If our governments put in place the right policy conditions, we can both meet our ambitious climate targets and create a new renewable energy industry powerhouse. To do so, we must harness the expertise, knowledge, financial capital and infrastructure of our world-class oil and gas industry and supply chain. Doing so will allow us to move to net zero through developing carbon capture utilisation and storage, offshore wind and hydrogen technologies powered by UK businesses.

If we are to be successful, we need to work collaboratively and get better at telling our story. What better way to do this than by being part of a trade mission led by the Chamber to attend OTC in May 2024, as a region, putting our best foot forward, telling the world that we are a place that can be at the forefront of the change.

To help us plan possible itineraries, please take a few moments to complete the survey below:

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