On Sunday, Aberdeen-based charity Befriend a Child hosted over 140 children and their volunteer befrienders and mentors at their annual Christmas Party at The Aberdeen Altens Hotel.
The party was a huge success with lots of games and dancing. Santa even made an appearance to gift the presents which were very kindly donated by the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire communities through the charity’s Giving Tree Appeal!
The party could not have gone ahead without the support of GEOLOG International who kindly sponsored the festive celebration.
Befriend a Child also wants to thank Chamber members who took part in the Giving Tree Appeal and helped to make Christmas special for so many local children.
If you would like to donate to Befriend a Child, they are still appealing for donations to enable them to provide activities and experiences for the children and young people they support into 2024 — head to https://www.befriendachild.org.uk/Appeal/giving-tree-2023 if you have a spare few pounds to donate.