A Robert Gordon University (RGU) lecturer is heading up the editorial board of a new book exploring Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and is inviting submissions of chapter proposals from both industry and academia.
Dr. Gbenga Oluyemi, research degree co-ordinator at RGU, has been appointed editor-in-chief for a new book in Springer’s Petroleum Engineering series which will investigate recent innovation and advances in enhanced oil recovery.
The book is intended to be a useful resource for professionals, researchers and students working in the field, and chapters will be selected and arranged in such a way that the complete book will provide a consistent historical context for developments in EOR technologies.
The book will also provide a compilation of fundamental theories, current research and development activities, and future directions.
Interested authors should submit an expression of interest by submitting an abstract with no more than 250 words covering one of the following areas of EOR: Chemical EOR; Cold EOR; Thermal EOR; Polymer EOR; Gas Injection EOR; Microbial EOR; Electromagnetic EOR; Acoustic EOR; or Waterflood EOR.
The abstract should focus on the practical aspects of the EOR technologies being explored including their successes and failures, as well as their potential application to unconventional shale and tight reservoirs, and their limitations.
It should clearly outline the areas of EOR the proposed chapters will be addressing and must be supported by a 200 word statement of experience and expertise in the field of EOR or closely related fields. Authors are also encouraged to use figures in their abstracts.
Dr. Oluyemi said: “Enhanced oil recovery technologies have contributed significantly over many years to the production of hard-to-produce oil from oilfields in many of the world’s petroleum provinces.
“The technologies offer many prospects for achieving production levels ranging from 30 to 60 per cent of the original oil in place (OOIP), leading to improved hydrocarbon production and increased supply to meet the growing demand for hydrocarbon products.
“The oil and gas industry has made a lot of advances in EOR technologies, and is continuing to invest heavily in research and development to improve existing technologies and to develop new ones, despite the downturn in the oil price.”
Abstracts should be submitted by April 30. To find out more or to submit your abstract, email Dr. Oluyemi at g.f.oluyemi@rgu.ac.uk