Scottish Government officials can work from the beach for up to a month every year under new guidelines.

The new policy allows civil servants to work from overseas, if permission has been given by bosses and if there is a "genuine requirement to do so".

It's after it was revealed last year that most of the 22,000 Scottish Government civil servants still work from home, with fewer than a third of desks occupied in a number of office buildings.

Murdo Fraser, the Scottish Conservatives’ business spokesman, said: "As much as working from home has its benefits for many people, it’s not without its costs to both employers and the wider economy.

"The pandemic forced many of us from full-time office working to working from home full-time. We now need to find a balance between the two extremes. More must be done by the Scottish government to tackle the knock-on effects that working from home has on city and town-centre economies, where businesses rely on footfall from office workers."

A Scottish government spokesman said: "We are committed to flexible hybrid working for our workforce, enabling staff to operate from a range of settings, including working with colleagues in the office. A two-year policy on hybrid working was confirmed [in April 2023] and will be reviewed in early 2025."

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