Inspired by one of the new art installations, which will be on display during the Spectra festival Aberdeen City Council has, in collaboration with local businesses, created a Hidden Butterfly Trail and competition, to celebrate the fusion of art, community and sustainability.
Spectra will once again see Aberdeen’s winter nights illuminated with eye-catching projections, interactive sculptures, and magical installations for all ages, when it opens from Thursday 8 February until Sunday, February 11, 2024.
Councillor Martin Greig, Aberdeen City Council’s Culture spokesperson, said: “The Hidden Butterfly Trail is a lovely way to take part in this year's Spectra Festival. This is a fun, open air challenge which will puzzle and entertain participants as they set out to track the butterflies. People are encouraged to wander through the festival's vibrant spaces and will have to work out in their heads where the butterflies are hiding. It will be an enjoyable and intriguing experience for many."
The family friendly Hidden Butterfly Trail encourages attendees to embrace curiosity, explore the city’s businesses, and locate the LED butterflies nestled in the windows of 10 businesses within or near the event footprint.
Members of the public who can locate all 10 butterflies, can enter a competition with a chance of winning one of two £250 vouchers to spend in a local cycle shop.
To take part, participants are invited to use the online map and entry form and visit the Hidden Butterfly Trail page on the Spectra website, which includes additional details and clues to help locate the butterflies.
Entrants should locate all 10 butterflies and submit the completed online entry form by 12pm on Monday 12 February 2024 to be entered into the prize draw.
For anyone unable to access the competition online, paper competition forms will be available at the accessibility welcome desks located in the Town House and in the Central Library. To enter the draw, the completed paper forms along with your contact details, must be returned to the welcome desks by 9pm on Sunday, February 11, 2024.
It is estimated that 100,000 people could attend the festival over the four days, and anyone considering attending is advised to plan ahead. For information on timings such as suggested quieter visiting times, and special offers for Spectra visitors including free First Bus ticket, special discounts from Stagecoach and Big Issue E Bikes, and other Spectra deals available at cafes, restaurants and bars during the festival, visit
A leading light of the North East’s year-round cultural calendar, Spectra is funded by Aberdeen City Council and created in collaboration with production company Live Event Management.
The Hidden Butterfly Trail is financed using Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) funding. SCSP’s Paths for All programme aims to increase active and sustainable travel throughout Scotland. The SCSP programme is grant-funded by Transport Scotland.
The Spectra team would also like to invite visitors to the festival to share their Spectra images by tagging #SpectraABDN in their social media posts.
Twitter: @Spectraaberdeen / @AberdeenCC
Facebook: Spectraaberdeen / AberdeenCC
Insta: Spectraaberdeen / Aberdeen_cc