An innovative project designed to enhance employment opportunities for individuals in Aberdeen’s five regeneration areas has taken a significant step forward with the award of key contracts.

Progress Through Positive Partnerships, which is part funded by the European Structural Fund (ESF) and forms part of the City Centre Masterplan, is being led by Aberdeen City Council and has been created to provide participants with support and tailored assistance to develop employment and vocational skills.

Contracts for the provision of training in a variety of skills, as well as the introduction of key workers to support individuals, have been awarded.

The organisations enlisted are Pathways Services, ITCA, SHMU, Aberdeen Foyer, Tullos Training and Realise. Aberdeen City Council will also support the training programme through its services.

Participants will benefit from a wide range of training options in areas including engineering skills, welding, care, computing skills, one to one support, CV building, job seeking skills, interview skills, literacy, numeracy and language support, media skills, cookery and outdoor pursuits.

The £2.2million project, which has secured £880,000 from the ESF, is specifically targeting Middlefield, Torry, Woodside, Seaton and Tillydrone by providing increased levels of support and additional opportunities to help people with multiple barriers to move closer to the labour market by enabling them to develop relevant skills based on their individual needs and abilities.

A spokesperson for Aberdeen City Council said: “Progress Through Positive Partnerships is an important part of our strategy to ensure positive outcomes for individuals of all ages throughout the city.

“A prosperous future for Aberdeen is reliant on giving each individual the best opportunity to fulfil their potential and improve their lives. This project is about investing in people to develop the city’s workforce.

“Progress Through Positive Partnerships will establish and develop a strategic employability pipeline. It will improve the co-ordination of service provision and ensure that those in need of it receive local support tailored specifically to address their individual needs.”

“The contract awards to established organisations, each with their own specialisms and track record, demonstrate the commitment being made to delivering the best solutions for the individuals taking part. We look forward to working with all of the providers in the months ahead.”

As part of the initial phase of the project, Pathways Services is in the process of carrying out neighbourhood audits and will visit homes and community facilities in each area to engage with up to 200 residents in each area and explain the new opportunities.

The audits are helping to identify people who may be eligible to take part in the project, as well as building a clear picture of issues affecting the regeneration areas.

Each project participant will be assigned a key worker, who will help identify barriers to work as well as the aspirations of each individual before creating a bespoke action plan, with the ultimate aim of securing work, training, education or volunteering opportunities. Key worker training is currently underway, with a view to the first participants being enrolled later this month.

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