North-east business legends Sir Ian Wood, Sir Jim Milne and Martin Gilbert have thrown their weight behind Aberdeen hosting a new green finance “Davos”.

Davos, in Switzerland, hosts the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum every January.

Lasting up to five days, the high-profile event sees representatives of more than 100 governments and international organisations, as well as business leaders, social entrepreneurs and around 1,000 forum partners from around the world discuss key global issues.

The idea for a “green and sustainable finance” version being held in this country has come from Scottish Financial Enterprise (SFA). The representative body for Scotland’s financial services industry, proposed it in its recently published sector growth strategy.

SFA chief executive Sandy Begbie told the Press & Journal: “This event would bring together political leaders, but particularly business and industry, to focus on how best to support development, and roll out innovative green and net-zero technology.

“In particular, it would aim to bring investors, energy and net-zero companies together, providing them with the capital to deliver green technology at the pace and scale required.”

Sir Ian Wood, Sir Jim Milne and Martin Gilbert all gave their backing to the idea in today's P&J.

You can read more here.

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