The deadline for a major digitalisation survey organised by the Offshore Energy Data Strategy Taskforce is fast approaching as operator companies, suppliers, service providers and SMEs in oil and gas and renewable energy sectors are urged to respond by the extended deadline of November 15.

The Taskforce issuing the 2022 Offshore Energy Digital & Data Maturity Survey comprises multiple energy bodies that share the aim of improving connectivity and efficiency across the sectors to help drive transformational change and aid delivery of the UK’s net zero ambition.

The aim of the study is to help illuminate the insights that companies, industry organisations and regulators need to unlock the true potential of data and digitalisation in order to deliver an accelerated transition to a low carbon energy future.

Taskforce members include Offshore Energies UK (OEUK), Opportunity North East (ONE), Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC), Technology Leadership Board (TLB), North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, who with support from Deloitte, launched the 2022 Digital and Data Maturity Survey this Autumn.

Building on the 2020 UKCS Data and Digital Maturity Survey which set a baseline for assessing the pace and extent of digitalisation within the oil and gas sector, this 2022 study expands its remit to include submissions from renewable energy organisations. With input from the broader energy community, the Taskforce seeks to deepen insight into how emissions reduction, net zero targets and the pandemic have impacted organisations and affected their data strategies and digital transformation plans.

More information about how to contribute to the survey is here.

The Offshore Energy Data Strategy Taskforce will publish a report detailing the findings in early 2023 while also highlighting best practices and recommendations for the industry.

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