CV19 has had a devastating, long-lasting effect on the energy sector, disrupting global supply chain and choking demand. This year, however, Deep Casing Tools, a technology development company, defies the effects of the pandemic and opens a new workshop in Saudi Arabia.
Opening of the workshop in June this year has secured the expansion of business, creating a valuable presence within the Middle East as they take the first major step in their IKTVA (the in-Kingdom Total Value Add Program) objective.
Kevin Robertson, Regional Manager ME said, “This is a monumental step for Deep Casing Tools to set up a facility in Saudi Arabia, it cements our commitment to the Saudi Arabia market as well as IKTVA. As we look further ahead, the facility will allow for in Kingdom manufacturing and tool assembly. This will not only support Saudi Arabia but also the rest of the Middle East region.”
IKTVA aims to grow a localised manufacturing sector following the CV19 pandemic, increasing global competitiveness by supporting the development and sustainability of a world-class supply chain, driving prosperity in Kingdom. The program supports SMEs like Deep Casing Tools who lead the way in innovation and competition within the energy sector, encouraging growth and development within the region. Deep Casing Tools demonstrate a clear commitment to the Middle East by participating within the IKTVA program.
David Stephenson, CEO at Deep Casing Tools comments, “This is the next step to demonstrate our commitment to Saudi Aramco and the country’s IKTVA initiative. Along with our local partner, Gas & Oil Technologies, we are excited about this commitment and continue to grow our business in Saudi Arabia.”
Demand for Deep Casing Tools technologies has increased dramatically as the region begins to recover following the pandemic, with IKTVA playing a huge part in its restoration. The opening of the new workshop will allow Deep Casing Tools to meet these demands adequately, benefitting operators not just in Saudi Arabia but the Middle East as the company continues to expand.