Drivers are being reminded to adhere to the new left turn lane on St Machar Drive at its junction with Bedford Road and Tillydrone Avenue, which has been introduced for a trial period.
The implementation of the trial was recommended in a Third Don Crossing Review report, which went before Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee in November 2017. Committee members agreed to the trial, which sees the alteration of the St Machar Drive/ Tillydrone Avenue junction to provide a dedicated left turn into Tillydrone Avenue from St Machar Drive at the single controlled junction.
The trial changes have been made to establish if traffic flow towards the Diamond Bridge can be improved during peak periods, as it had been observed that queuing traffic traveling towards King Street can delay those wishing to turn left.
The trial got underway on, April 11,2018 and will run for a minimum of three months while its impact is assessed.
Aberdeen City Council will install additional road markings towards the end of next week or possibly sooner, weather permitting, to further highlight to motorists wishing to proceed straight through the junction towards King Street that they should use the central lane.
Councillor Ross Grant, Roads and Transportation spokesperson, Aberdeen City Council said: “This trial has been implemented in response feedback from members of the public and allows us to determine if this helps in creating the optimum flow of traffic toward the third don crossing from St Machar Drive. The Council hopes that the trial will provide valuable data to allow a decision to be made regarding the future layout of the junction.
“We would ask that drivers act in a considerate way towards their fellow road users and adhere to the current lane arrangements being trialled.”