Eden Scott, one of Aberdeen's leading independent executive search and recruitment agencies, is proud to announce a substantial increase in their group turnover from £13m to just over £17m for the financial year ending March 2024.

In a challenging marketplace, Eden Scott's strategic focus over the last few years has been to grow its contractor and temporary recruitment services in recognition of market requirements, particularly in relation to the renewable energy sector, which continues to grow.

While the company achieved good profit levels in 2022-23, the expected profit margins for this period reflect the difficulties many businesses faced as the UK navigated harsh market conditions in the second half of this financial year.

Despite this, the team, led by CEO and Co-Founder Michelle Lownie, are optimistic as they embark on their ambitious growth plan for the next two years.

Michelle Lownie, CEO, commented: “The increase in turnover this financial year has been great to see. However, our profit levels were undoubtedly a result of the challenging conditions in the second half of the year as the market felt the impact of the recession.

Decisions took longer, and hiring patterns adapted as business confidence wavered. However, our strategy has been to grow our temporary and contractor recruitment services to provide the flexibility our candidates and clients need. Our internal hiring process reflected this approach, as we recruited specialists in this area.

I'm incredibly proud of our team's resilience in the face of difficult market conditions. They never wavered from our core beliefs and values, which we reassuringly hear from our customers regularly. This just shows that we have the right team on board."

Michelle Lownie, CEO

Michelle Lownie, CEO

Fran Sutherland, Principal Consultant

Fran Sutherland, Principal Consultant

We have responded well to the challenges of the tough economic conditions, and are now in a good place to grow, which is why it is vital for us to bring on great people like Francesca, who can add so much value to our customers”

With a strategic focus on high-growth sectors, including Scotland’s burgeoning space sector and, of course, the renewable energy sector, despite the challenges of the last six months, the team at Eden Scott remain optimistic about the outlook over the coming few years.

Lucy Nicoll, Associate Marketing Director, Aberdeen

Lucy Nicoll, Associate Marketing Director, Aberdeen

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