Cost efficiency, a prominent and topical theme at Oil & Gas UK’s 2015 conference, will feature in a series of events the trade association is holding to push progress on the industry’s activities in this priority area.

Stephen Marcos Jones, Oil & Gas UK’s business development director, said: “As the trade association for the UK offshore industry, our aim is to help all efforts to make sure the sector is safe, competitive and sustainable in a world of $60 oil. Our events in Aberdeen and London are designed to support these objectives by providing opportunities for people to explore and discuss the challenges facing the industry and work more effectively together to improve efficiency.”

In Aberdeen, Oil & Gas UK’s supply chain seminar on June 30, organised in association with the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS), focuses on potential opportunities for the sector to tackle costs through simplification and standardisation in areas including technical standard setting and equipment procurement. Delegates will also hear from speakers representing Lockheed Martin, Renault Nissan, Siemens and Bombardier on how other industrial sectors including aerospace, automotive, power generation and railways have introduced measures to drive efficiency and regain competitiveness as a result.

Also in Aberdeen, Oil & Gas UK’s breakfast briefing on July 2 will look at the part leadership or collaboration can play in helping companies on the UKCS co-operate in a competitive environment. Guest speakers include Gunther Newcombe, exploration and production director at the Oil and Gas Authority, and Matt Betts, Halliburton’s UK vice president, whose presentations will be followed by a panel session, chaired by Oil & Gas UK’s chief executive, Deirdre Michie.

As part of Oil & Gas UK’s efforts to increase interaction between operators and the supply chain to drive further co-operation across the sector, it is also organising one of its popular speed networking events in London on June 30. The unique format of the event allows participants to meet many new contacts in a short period of time and delegates have described the sessions as a great opportunity for service providers to meet operators looking for innovative ways to work more efficiently.

For information about all these events, please contact Lucy Gordon at or 01224 577331 or the Oil & Gas UK events team at


Oil & Gas UK is the leading representative organisation for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. Its members, who number over 500, are companies licensed by the Government to explore for and produce oil and gas in UK waters and those in the industry’s supply chain.

To book the Oil & Gas UK Members Speed Networking - London event on June 30, click here

To book the Supply Chain Seminar on June 30, click here

To book the Aberdeen Breakfast Briefing on July 2, click here

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