A series of short-term employability projects are to be launched in Aberdeen as part of a programme of work to trial new services in the city.

The pilot projects, delivered by Aberdeen City Councils’ ABZWorks service, offer a range of opportunities to city residents of working age who are not in employment, education, or training.

They will be delivered in regeneration areas across the city and target people identified by the Local Employability Partnership as having priority for support, including over 50s, single parents, young people, school leavers, women, refugees and displaced people, and people with criminal convictions.

The projects have been designed and developed by employability keyworkers, following input from partner agencies and people they have supported towards and into work.

Each project will be trialled in a regeneration area, with potential to move to other parts of the city if they prove successful and will contribute to the outcomes of the city’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan.

They are open to city residents who have the right to live and work in the UK, and who are not in employment, education, or formal training.

Anti-Poverty and Inequality Convener Councillor Christian Allard said: “These projects will be a great way to help people who are not in employment, education, or training.

“They are designed to help different groups of people which have been identified as needing priority support and will also be held in the regeneration areas in the heart of the community.”

The projects include:

  • Grow - a 9-week series of workshops to support young people aged 16-20. The workshops will cover both interpersonal skills and employability skills to equip participants with knowledge and tools to help them find employment or training opportunities in the future;
  • Older and Wiser - an 8-week programme to encourage the over 50s back into employability, taking a soft approach to building confidence, meeting people, introduction to wellness and employability skills;
  • Young Person’s Future - a 12-week paid work placement and work experience programme to help young people gain skills, confidence, and potentially secure employment. This programme will support young people (16-17 year-olds) to obtain their first job by providing a paid placement meaning they will receive practical work experience and a taste of a career that they might be interested in. Also has an opportunity for local employers to support and give back to the youth in the local community;
  • Explore – a pilot project which will allow young people aged between 16 and 20, at the earliest stages of the employability pipeline, a chance to try out various activities in the hopes that they find something they can enjoy and continue once the project is done. It is also hoped that being in a small group will allow the young people to build confidence and move through the employability process to gain employment, education, or training. The programme will comprise of seven taster sessions with internal and external partners covering a wide variety of activities including a cooking course, media related activity, and a creative session;
  • Raising Barriers employability programme - will support people with convictions to help them understand what needs to be disclosed whilst looking for employment. The five-week programme will be for individuals who want more information on what they do or do not need to disclose when applying for jobs, training, further education, or volunteering. This project involves working with those who have or have had criminal convictions, and this has become a major barrier. Those who attend this project will be registered with ABZWorks and, a keyworker assigned for further support once the project is completed;
  • Getting Back Into Work Programme - this course is designed for long term unemployed parents to get back into employment. An 8-week programme based at Seaton Community Centre, it covers all things employability including skills, work placements, and guidance for supporting people back into an employment for when they are ready.

For more information, call ABZWorks on 01224 346100 or email abzworks@aberdeencity.gov.uk

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