Genoa Black launches new pivot strategy

Genoa Black, rated No.1 in the UK for B2B Research and Strategy and No.1 in Scotland for B2C Research and Strategy (RAR) has been working closely with its client network and portfolio to develop a directional, energetic and inspiring approach to address the impact presented to business leaders as a result of COVID-19.

“The economic implications of Covid-19 has the potential to be more severe than any living person today has experienced before. Companies need to act to address the implications, not only on their business, but also on their market and customers”, says Claire Kinloch, managing partner. “Using data unique to Genoa Black, gained from delivering over 700 strategies, which has given us approximately 3500 data reference points across multiple sectors, we have compiled a report on how to lead your business through economic shock”.

The Chaos to Clarity programme has been launched to assist business leaders to firstly identify with a certain type of corporate persona and attitudinal response to current and future challenges and opportunities, and then to provide pivot strategy guidance on how to address for each step of the journey over the next 18 months.

“Our aim is not only for our clients to survive and emerge from this challenging period, but to place them in a better position than when they entered it.” said Claire. Genoa Black will be releasing regular reports over the coming weeks and months including sector specific editions.

For further information please download the first edition of Chaos to Clarity here and contact for further details on programme or to register for regular Chaos to Clarity reports.

Claire Kinloch, managing partner of Genoa Black Ltd

Claire Kinloch, managing partner of Genoa Black Ltd

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