Head of ONE CodeBase appointed to lead tech company incubation in North-east Scotland

ONE CodeBase has appointed a senior tech executive to support digital company incubation and growth in the North-east of Scotland.

Michael Boniface has joined the Aberdeen-based partnership between private sector economic development body Opportunity North East (ONE) and the UK’s leading tech incubator CodeBase, as head of ONE CodeBase.

ONE CodeBase was formed earlier this year to accelerate the growth of digital tech businesses with a proven combination of mentorship, access to investors and connections to partners and peers.

Michael is a technology industry executive with more than 15 years’ experience, including as managing director of gaming firm Reloaded Productions and vice president of technology and operations at JP Morgan Chase. Most recently, Michael established Chinese gaming giant Skymoon’s first western hemisphere studio in Edinburgh before brokering its sale to a US publisher.

CodeBase is one of Europe’s fastest growing tech company incubators. Its growth model is based on building a practitioner-led peer support network, specifically for tech entrepreneurs. Since launching in 2014, CodeBase’s flagship site in Edinburgh has incubated more than 100 companies, which have attracted over $570 million of investment.

Sir Ian Wood KT GBE, chair of the ONE Digital & Entrepreneurship sector board, said: “ONE’s investment in the digital ecosystem, combined with Michael’s extensive industry experience and CodeBase’s proven digital incubation expertise, will enhance digital company creation and growth in the North-east of Scotland, which is fundamental to the long-term goal of a diversified and strong economy.” Michael Boniface said: “As a former CodeBase tenant, I have experienced first-hand the benefits of having ambitious entrepreneurs, tech talent and practical business support hosted in a creative and collaborative environment, designed for the digital economy. “We have an exciting opportunity in the region to work with the local tech community and build on existing industrial digital strengths to grow a strong cluster of digital product and service companies. Early adoption of digital solutions will also be transformational for the North-east of Scotland’s productivity and growth across all its key business sectors.”
ONE CodeBase will be based at the ONE Digital & Entrepreneurship hub, which will open in spring 2019. Housed in the former Robert Gordon University (RGU) administration building on Schoolhill in Aberdeen, the hub is a partnership between ONE, RGU and CodeBase.

The ONE CodeBase team has started identifying and assessing prospective tenants who will benefit from the specialised support and the hot desking, co-working and flexible office space in the hub.

ONE CodeBase is also hosting a series of introductory meet-ups in Aberdeen with the next event on Thursday, November 15. Companies can register for the event and further updates here.

ONE CodeBase has appointed senior tech executive Michael Boniface to support digital company incubation and growth in the North-east of Scotland.

ONE CodeBase has appointed senior tech executive Michael Boniface to support digital company incubation and growth in the North-east of Scotland.

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