The launch of a brand new Hywind STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) Hub facility at Peterhead Academy on November 1, sees pupil’s from across Peterhead encouraged and inspired to take up careers in the renewable energy sector.

Hywind Scotland partners Equinor and Masdar have collaborated with Aberdeenshire Council to create the Hub classroom which includes state-of-the-art, interactive renewables technology in a refurbished workshop and exhibition space. The Hub is a focal point for partnership activities more than one thousand pupils from both primary and secondary schools are given the opportunity to participate in workshops over the next four years. The energy-themed workshop programme includes input from Aberdeen Science Museum and TechFest, and aims to harness pupils’ interest in science, technology, engineering and maths.

It is hoped the project will improve educational attainment and support local young people to achieve their full potential while supporting a vibrant local economy. Partners are particularly keen to increase the number of students engaging in STEM activities and taking up careers in STEM-related areas in Peterhead.

Provost of Aberdeenshire Councillor, Bill Howatson said “Encouraging young people to build their careers using science, technology, engineering and maths is vital to the local economy as we strive to support a growing renewable energy sector. It’s also greatly beneficial to the young people who will be given the opportunity to engage with this project by offering educational opportunities which are particularly exciting, inspiring and relevant to the local area.

“The Hub will create a welcoming environment for local employers to host training and engagement sessions too and it’s great to see this long-term project begin to take shape.”

Halvor Hoen Hersleth, plant manager for Hywind Scotland said: “The Hywind STEM Hub creates a link between the world’s first floating windfarm and the local community in Peterhead. Now, at one year since first power, we are proud to launch this collaborative initiative that seeks to inspire young people’s interest in STEM subjects and make a lasting contribution to the community.”

As part of the project, primary school teachers from across Peterhead will be offered specialist sessions to increase their knowledge and expertise in delivering STEM as part of the Curriculum for Excellence. It will also deliver a community programme with the Prince’s

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