Hydrogen presents an exciting opportunity to achieve the global energy transition to a low carbon economy. With its history of innovation and technology development for the oil and gas industry, Scotland could be at the forefront of this transition creating new opportunities and generating employment.
Pale Blue Dot Energy and ERM are looking forward to co-hosting a one-day conference in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, H2 Aberdeen, Interreg North Sea Region HyTrEc2, Opportunity North East and Scottish Enterprise. This event will take place on the 9th October 2018 at the Hilton Treetops Hotel, Aberdeen.
This complimentary one-day conference will explore the vision and opportunity for hydrogen as well as its production and applications. We will be joined by representatives from several hydrogen projects throughout the UK who will introduce their projects as well as share key learnings from their emergence in this market. Some of the speakers include Matt Hitchens from the department for BEIS at UK Government, Corin Taylor from the Decarbonised Gas Alliance and Adele Lidderdale from Orkney Islands Council.
The event will focus on the opportunities for development of the regional supply chain. Throughout the day there will be opportunities to engage with representatives from both public and private sector developing the hydrogen opportunity.
This event is aimed at those wanting to understand what is happening in this exciting market, how the technology is evolving, and some of the current projects being developed.
Date: 9th October 2018
Venue: Hilton Treetops, 161 Springfield Rd, Aberdeen, AB15 7AQ
Registration: https://www.erm.com/Hydrogen-Scotland-Conference-Oct2018