ISA will open its doors to children aged three to five at its next Preschool Open Day on Saturday, January 27.

As the only international, independent school in the North-east, ISA is offering families the opportunity to meet with the warm and welcoming Preschool teachers to see for themselves why ISA could be the perfect fit for their child.

From preschool age upwards, ISA prides itself on ensuring students are free to be themselves, encouraging natural curiosity and a zest for learning in a caring, supportive and stimulating environment.

Andrea Taylor, ISA’s Head of Preschool, says: “Our Open Days provide a great opportunity for families to visit our colourful and vibrant classroom and explore our fantastic outdoor spaces, which offer children purposeful and creative environments to support their early learning.”

As a steppingstone into an educational setting, the preschool years provide the foundation for important life skills such as teamwork and building friendships as well as regulating emotions and understanding the feelings of others.

To help you decide whether ISA is the right fit for your child, here’s a helpful summary of the benefits of enrolling your child in preschool from a young age.

5 reasons why you should consider ISA Preschool

1 – ISA understands learning happens best when it’s done through play

ISA’s state-of-the-art Preschool encourages boundless creativity, exploration, and curiosity. The school recognises play as one of the main ways in which children learn and develop while helping to build self-confidence by giving a child a sense of their own abilities.

ISA’s flexible and fun early learning environment contributes to developing an awareness of being connected with others and the world.

2 – Your child will gain a head start in social and emotional skills

The development of social and emotional skills is one of the main reasons why parents send their child to preschool. Preschool gives your child their first real experience of social interaction in an educational setting.

In their first five years, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. And early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school and their adult lives.

3 – An international preschool offers children a broader outlook

As an international school, ISA understandably takes immense pride in celebrating diversity, believing that each child is unique, valued, and worthy of respect.

With a student population of around 500, ISA promotes a sense of belonging for every child with wellbeing sitting at the very heart of its approach to teaching and learning.

4 – ISA has caring, experienced and nurturing staff

ISA’s team of experienced teachers know that by engaging children through methods like humour, storytelling and group activities, their brains will adapt to produce powerful results.

The school’s mission statement encapsulates our vision for a ‘safe and caring learning environment’, not just physical safety, but increasingly during this time of uncertainty, emotional security too.

5 – Young children develop a lifelong love of learning

As scientific research has shown, our children’s education in their early years cements their passion for learning and fundamentally shapes their lives. They are curious about the world around them and they ask questions to connect new experiences to existing knowledge.

To find out more visit, where you can also register for the Preschool Open Day on Saturday, January 27, 2024, from 10am-12pm.

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