Lathallan School in Johnshaven has received national recognition and has been awarded the Gold Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) quality mark by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC), making it the only all-through school in Scotland to currently hold this Gold LOtC Mark. This award comes just a couple of years after Lathallan was awarded UK Small Independent School of the Year 2021.

Richard Toley, Headmaster at Lathallan School said: “We’re so pleased to get this official recognition from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. This award is a nod to the collective efforts and passion that our school community put into creating a truly inspirational educational environment for our young people at Lathallan.

“While going through the LOtC assessment we reflected on our LOtC provision and proudly shared over 200 LOtC experiences that our pupils had been exposed to in the last two terms alone.

“Learning outside the classroom has been a feature of the educational provision at Lathallan for several decades and the value is widely recognised by pupils, parents, teaching staff and various outside agencies including Education Scotland. It is not just about learning outside in the fresh air or outdoor education; it encompasses the valuable learning experiences that occur in any setting outside of the classroom across the whole curriculum.

“This Gold LOtC Mark signifies our commitment to providing our pupils from six weeks to 18 years with opportunities to explore, discover, and grow beyond the traditional classroom walls.”

The LOtC Mark is awarded by the CLOtC, the UK-wide charity that champions all learning that happens beyond the classroom. Its work supports educators, schools and organisations who are dedicated to ensuring more children and young people have opportunities for life-changing learning experiences beyond the classroom, whether these happen indoors or outdoors, close to home or far away.

The many benefits of LOtC are now well-evidenced and include improving academic attainment, physical health, emotional well-being, self-esteem, and resilience.

Dr Anne Hunt, CEO, CLOtC said: “LOtC is a simple, well-evidenced strategy for unlocking a very wide range of positive outcomes for staff and students, especially for their wellbeing and learning. Lathallan School has truly embraced LOtC across their school and are optimising opportunities to take learning into their school ground and beyond, actively choosing where learning can happen best on a daily basis, and in doing so offering engaging, memorable, and relevant learning experiences that help build invaluable skills for the future. A fantastic achievement!”

By consistently pushing the boundaries of traditional education, Lathallan has rightfully earned its reputation as one of the best in the country. The Gold LOtC Mark is not just an accolade; it's a symbol of Lathallan's commitment to providing a transformative education that prepares students for the challenges of the modern world.

Find out more about Learning Outside the Classroom at Lathallan via their website

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