The mental health team based at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin have been lucky enough to receive a donation from local artist Ruth Asiabani. Her painting ‘Spring WILL Come’ is oil on canvas and was painted specifically for putting on display in the Pluscarden outpatient clinic area at the hospital.

Ruth (44) who is from Elgin explained: “When people are suffering and a situation seems unbearable, they need hope, which is why I wanted to donate to Pluscarden.

“The dark background symbolises the difficult time a patient or loved one may be going through, but the brighter spring flowers are emerging from the darkness portraying that nothing lasts forever and things can improve. I remember my granny, who had experienced many challenges in life, often said: It's the darkest hour before the dawn.”

Ruth offers wellness and massage therapies as well as teaching English and making time for her art. She added: “I enjoy helping those I am privileged to work with in all areas of my life. My art is all based on nature and my aim is to create immersive art to bring nature indoors, to promote wellbeing.

Corrine, mental health colleague Fiona Burns and Ruth with the painting at Dr Gray’s Hospital

Corrine, mental health colleague Fiona Burns and Ruth with the painting at Dr Gray’s Hospital

“In today's world, we need to focus on wellbeing. The mind and body work so closely together, yet we often focus only on one ailment rather than looking at the full picture. Art is a well-known therapy and you can become so immersed during the creative process that it can give relief from problems as it is a means of expression and can relieve negative energy or emotions. Looking at art is also beneficial as it gives the viewer something to focus on and engage with, especially during a difficult time.”

The piece Ruth has donated recently featured in her first ever exhibition, along with fellow local artists Lisa Colwell and Stephanie Russell Snyder, at Elgin Library Gallery.

Corrine Lackie, Acting Lead Mental Health Nurse at Dr Gray’s Hospital, was only too pleased to accept the painting on behalf of the team and the local community. She said: “We would like to sincerely thank Ruth for donating such a beautiful piece of her work. The depth and symbolism behind ‘Spring WILL Come’ holds a pivotal message that our team strive to convey to our patients. By displaying Ruth’s painting in our outpatient clinic area, we are hopeful it will provide our patients, or their relatives, the intended hope, brightness and reflection that Ruth has conveyed in her work.”

A range of services are available locally providing mental health support. Anyone who is in need of support should visit: Discover Pathways Moray | Mental Health Support

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