Friday, August 27 saw the launch of the Miscarriage Support Scotland’s Highland support sessions. Miscarriage Support Scotland (MISS) are glad to report a good attendance to the informal coffee and chat session that took place virtually.
After reviewing feedback from current members, it was highlighted that baby loss support was needed in this area. MISS founder Abi Clarke grew up on the Isle of Skye and has since built connections who all recognise this is a service that is much needed.
These sessions will continue to run on Zoom from 7:30pm-8:30pm on the last Friday of every month to enable a wider reach to those in the Highlands. MISS look forward to welcoming a range of speakers to attend these meetings to provide more advice to the attendees, such as therapists and couple counsellors.
The growth of MISS to reach more members in the Highlands wouldn’t have been achievable without the support from their followers and the money raised from previous fundraising events.
News on upcoming MISS fundraising events planned for Autumn are to follow.