MISS has recently been approved with charity status as a SCIO

The support service meet on a monthly basis at Curl (Eday Walk) and Rubislaw Church Centre in Aberdeen for members (both female and male) to attend after they have suffered a miscarriage. The committee comprising of Abi Clarke (chairperson), Jade Robertson (secretary) and Carol Mcleod (treasurer) and 3 other committee members, organise speakers from a health background and a therapeutic activity by a local business which members can get involved with.

MISS also has a phone service and strong social media presence which members can use for support.

At the end of March, they are celebrating their 2nd Anniversary and have organising a Fundraising Race Night at The Ashvale (Great Western Road) in Aberdeen. Tickets (£15 which includes an Ashvale supper) and sponsorship (at £50 for weekly social media posts, flyers on tables and host to mention business on event night) are still available.

Chairperson, Abi Clarke explained: "I am delighted that we have reached SCIO status just before our 2nd Anniversary and will be something else to celebrate at our Fundraising Race Night on March 29. From a small idea on a buggy walk and talking to the HIF team, the group has grown so much and looking forward to our future."

Abi Clarke

Abi Clarke

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