The second Scottish Careers Week takes place next week (November 7-11, 2022) offering the perfect platform to help those thinking about their career prospects.

The campaign comes at an important time for people across the country as they deal with the cost-of-living crisis, the ongoing fall-out of the pandemic, and the climate emergency, all factors which are making many individuals re-evaluate their career choices.

Scottish Careers Week will help people of all ages access and understand the work and education opportunities out there.

Delivered by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), the national skills agency, along with a wide range of partners, the week aims to build on the success of the first campaign in 2021. Year two will see more than 150 events take place across Scotland – three times as many as the inaugural year - many of which are being delivered by local employer’s keen to talk to young and old about career opportunities.

From job fairs focused on island life through to ones dedicated solely to over 50s, through to events promoting specific sectors such as construction and jobs in rural areas, the head of SDS’ career service claims there is something for everyone during the focused week.

Sharon McIntrye said: “I am delighted to share we have over 150 events planned right across Scotland. Scottish Careers Week is only in its second year, and its already three times bigger than year one! It shows there is a strong appetite among employers, organisations and individuals to explore career and education options more fully, particularly in the current climate.

“It really is an amazing opportunity to find out more about what’s out there to help you, including access to our amazing career service - which is free of charge for everyone - to really help you pursue your work dreams.”

Scottish companies and individuals are also being encouraged to get behind #CareerHacks22 on social media to share their learnings about their jobs in an effort to help inspire others looking to start, develop or change their career.

With an expert SDS careers adviser in every state secondary school, and over 50 SDS centres across Scotland, these events help highlight the support available for school pupils right through to adult career changers.

Key regional events include:

North Scotland

  • Career fairs in partnership with DYW and the University of the Highland and Island in Barra (9 November 2022), Harris and Lewis (8 November 2022) and Uist (10 November 2022)

South West Scotland

  • The Ayrshire Jobs Fair (10 November) will take place in partnership with DYW and the local Chamber of Commerce, involving a range of local businesses and the Lowland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.
  • The North Ayrshire employment fair (11 November) at Saltcoats Town Hall will highlight opportunities available to people of all ages who are actively looking for employment across North Ayrshire
  • The CV MOT event (10 November) in Dumfries will help people of all ages learn how to create and enhance a CV as well as other job hunting tip

North-east Scotland

  • The Amazing Apprenticeship session at the SDS Kirkcaldy career centre (10 November 2022) will highlight work based learning opportunities for both employers and individuals alike.
  • A pop up SDS office will be created at the Aberdeen Beach superstore to give shoppers easy access to careers advisers and local opportunities in that area.
  • A job search and application workshop at the SDS Dunfermline career centre (7 November 2022) will help people of all ages find jobs and get tips on applications.

West Scotland

  • A drop in session at Volunteer Glasgow (9 November) has been organised at the SDS offices in George Square to enable people to find out how volunteering can enhance skills and career prospects.
  • SDS will host a special session looking specifically at Christmas job opportunities in Glasgow at their George Square office.

South East Scotland

  • A jobs fair specifically for those aged 50 and over will be held in Edinburgh (10 November)
  • A DYW Roadshow (8 November 2022) will bring together employers, further education, higher education, and training providers with young people to help them find their next step.

A full list of events for the week can be find by typing in Scottish Careers Week on the SDS corporate website.

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