Businesses across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire can now benefit from a complimentary new financial education service to help employees plan for the future and tackle money worries.

Research shows that almost a quarter (24%) of UK employees worry about money every day, and that three-quarters worry about it every week.

The Gary Walker Wealth Management Financial Education Programme offers complimentary information sessions to businesses, with the aim of helping partner firms support the mental wellbeing of their employees.

Click here to read more and to download a brochure.

Aberdeen Football Club is among the businesses already taking advantage of the service, with players and staff enjoying specialist workshops in recent weeks.

Gary Walker, the founder of Gary Walker Wealth Management, said: "We collaborate with organisations across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to support the financial wellbeing of their biggest asset – their people.

"We help employees to better understand their own financial circumstances and empower them to make more informed money decisions, wherever they are in their lives and careers.

"Our Financial Education Programme can dovetail with your longer-term employee wellbeing initiatives or be presented as a standalone project."

The core workshop programme engages employees and allows them time to relate to their own situation by considering four life and career stages.

Mr Walker added: "All workshops are delivered by accredited St. James’s Place representatives; all are experts in this field and engaging presenters, so you can be assured that the sessions will be both stimulating and effective.

Founded in 2004 in Aberdeen, Gary Walker Wealth Management is a Principal Partner Practice of St. James's Place.

Click here if you would like to speak to Gary Walker about the programme.

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