Oil & Gas Innovation Centre activity becomes part of the OGTC

A single academic and industry focal point for strengthening low carbon technology was confirmed today, supported by £3m funding from the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise.

From April 1 2020, the activity undertaken by the Oil & Gas Innovation Centre (OGIC) has transferred to the Oil & Gas Technology Centre (OGTC), and the funding provided will be used to develop net zero projects in partnership with industry and Scottish universities.

With fundamental research and academic collaboration critical to unlocking the potential of key technologies, the academic network and early-stage technology innovation developed by OGIC will strengthen the OGTC’s existing capabilities. Over the past five years OGIC has supported over 100 projects, from innovative well plug and abandonment barriers, through to transformational subsea systems.

Some of these projects have progressed through to the OGTC for co-funding and support, therefore this transfer of activities provides an opportunity to align industry and academic innovation, which will now be delivered through the OGTC.

Launched in February 2017, the OGTC has already co-funded £140m in over 230 projects, working in close partnership with industry, government and academia to accelerate new technology solutions to market. Following its launch of a new Net Zero Solution Centre, the organisation is focused on accelerating technologies that will decarbonise offshore operations and help the UK to become the first net zero basin globally.

Both teams have been working closely together to ensure a smooth integration, with the OGTC focused on developing new projects that address key areas in its technology roadmaps, specifically early stage technology readiness level (TRL) 3-6.

Commenting on the announcement, Colette Cohen OBE, chief executive officer of the OGTC, said: “We’re delighted to welcome the OGIC team, harnessing their academic and SME connections to expand our focus on early stage technology development for the net zero future. We look forward to developing new collaborative earlier TRL projects that will help to bolster our capability and deliver the required energy transition at pace.”

Commenting on the additional funding, Dr Stuart Fancey, director of research and innovation at the Scottish Funding Council, said: “The Scottish Funding Council, together with its partners in Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government, is delighted to invest in bringing OGIC activity into OGTC to help the oil and gas industry towards reaching the ambitious net zero target. Aligning the successes of OGIC, and in particular its strong academic and business links, with OGTC’s Net Zero focus, will give the oil and gas sector the best chance of transitioning to a net zero economy.”

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