Outdoor activity adventure shows no signs of stopping

Aberdeen’s premier outdoor activity provider Adventure Aberdeen, which is part of local charity Sport Aberdeen, has once again been given the green light by the Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS) with its 2019 licence renewal.

Adventure Aberdeen’s dedication to providing top quality watersports, climbing and trekking adventures throughout the North-east of Scotland is made evident by the successful annual renewal of their license since 1997 and at their current Kingswells base since 2011.

The aim of the AALS is to provide the public with quality assurances that the safety of activity providers is of the highest standard. In this way, its customers can continue to enjoy exciting and stimulating outdoor activities, without being exposed to avoidable risks of injury or death.

Sport Aberdeen’s outdoor and adventurous activity manager, Mike Gifford said:

“The renewal of our adventure activities license is integral to the running of business at Adventure Aberdeen. Everyone at Adventure Aberdeen is dedicated to providing the best in outdoor activities, both in terms of the experience given and the safety that is ensured when you use our service.”

Adventure Aberdeen team with the renewed AALS licence

Adventure Aberdeen team with the renewed AALS licence

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